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Showing posts from May, 2021

1601006111 - SHORT CASE

Hall ticket number - 1601006111 SHORT CASE FOR PRACTICAL EXAM  A 25 year old female patient , tailor by occupation, resident of  Thummelagudam, came to the OPD  with chief complaints of vomiting and loose stools since 3 am the previous night. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic few hours back when she developed vomiting- 20 episodes, sudden in onset, non bilious, non projectile, with mainly water as content. It was associated with burning type of pain abdomen involving all the quadrants. Also associated with loose stools- 6 episodes, watery in consistency, not associated with blood or mucus. H/o burning micturition since 3 days. No h/o fever and intake of food from outside, decreased urine output. Past History: History of similar complaints 1 year back. History of Urinary tract infection- 3 episodes in the last 8 years. Not a known case of Diabetes melitus, hypertension, TB, Asthma, Epilepsy. Surgical History: 2 previous LSCS General Examination: Patient is